About Us

Welcome to the Official Frankie Mooney Online Store. In early 2021, the FrankieMooney.com team set out to create a one-stop shop for all Frankie Mooney products. As well as featuring the newest and latest programs developed by Frankie, the online store also provides exclusive access to revised editions, rare unpublished and even out-of-print works including guides that were typically only available 'in person' at live events if you had a ticket, now all meticilously digitised for on-demand consumption and enjoyment, wherever you are in the world.

Whether you are looking to sharpen your mind and become a better communicator or get out of your comfort zone and live life more fully or even find your soulmate and experience true love. Maybe you're someone who needs to get past a hurtful time in your life and you've reached the point where you don't want to feel the way you feel any more. Perhaps you're someone who wants to build a business and leave a legacy for your family or be a better parent - these are all worthwhile endeavours and completely achievable. With a guide like Frankie Mooney in your corner, the sky isn't even the limit! Frankie Mooney's decades of teaching is available to you now and we are proud to provide a continually updating library of work. Progress doesn't need to wait. Start your journey today!